Adan Garcia

Student Spotlight: Adan Garcia

Q: Grade? 

Q: Favorite Subject? 
A: History

Q: Favorite Teacher? 
A: Coach O'Hanlon

Q: Clubs: 
A: Football and Band

Q: What hobbies do you enjoy doing? 
A: Sports

Q: What goals do you have for yourself? 
A: To get into National Honor Society 

Q: What do you think is the best thing about your school? 
A:Our Athletics Program

Q: Favorite Food or Restaurant

Q: Favorite Book: 
A: Harry Potter

Q: Favorite Movie: 
A: Home Alone

From Coach O'Hanlon:
"Adan is a leader both in the classroom and on the field. He is always engaged in class and wants to learn. He brings joy to his school work, and lets his passion for sports, school, and his friends shine through in how he acts and treats those around him."