Buccaneer Green
What is Buccaneer Green?
Funded by the East Chambers Education Foundation and supported by many members and businesses throughout the community, Buccaneer Green is a community service project that provides students the opportunity a chance to go into Winnie and Stowell to clean up streets and other areas of the communities.
The 2022-23 school year was the first opportunity for Buccaneer Green. Each grade level was given a day, and the first 30 students to sign up were awarded the opportunity. In the coming years, ECJH's goal is to send students out six times over the year, two days per grade level.
Proposed Dates for 2023-24
September 19 - 8th Grade
September 30 - 7th Grade
December 5 - 6th Grade
February 13 - 8th Grade
May 13 - 7th Grade
May 14 - 6th Grade