Congratulations to our Scientists of the month!

Spring picture order forms are going home today. The last day to return forms will be Tuesday, March 18th.
If you have questions or need assistance please call the front office. 409-296-6801

Join us for Chicken & Waffles as we celebrate National School Breakfast Week!

Join us for Dr. Seuss Read Across America!

Jean and Harlen demonstrated amazing character. They stood up for a friend that needed some support!
Way to go Bucs!

It is truly a great day here at ECE!!
Ms. Harmon awarded a student with a Buccaneer Challenge Coin!
I am going to give Kyle a gold Buccaneer coin because he convinced a student to make the right decision. The student had taken something off my desk that belonged to me without my permission and Kyle convinced that student to come to me and give that item back to me and apologize for taking something that didn't belong to them.

Congratulations to Lochlin! He was awarded an EC Challenge Coin. Mrs. Hodges said "He really goes above and beyond to help another student in his Science class. He is so patient with him and KIND. I think at this age, kindness needs to be acknowledged, especially when it is given to a person who is different than most."

The students have completed their Kids Heart Challenge! They have learned hands only CPR!

Quack, Quack! The Heart Heroes are coming to EC Elementary! Our school is participating in the Kids Heart Challenge beginning February 3, and we’re giving you access to sign up early!!
Click here to become a heart hero:
or download the AHA Schools app.

Join us for STAAR Family Night on Tuesday from 5:30-7:00! Make sure to drop your card in to the hopper for our camping drawing!

Congratulations to our 4th grade team! They received a grant from the East Chambers Education Foundation!

Another year, another championship! 🎉
ECE and ECP won the UIL Academic Meet today!
Congratulations to all the competitors who claimed a medal! A special thanks to the teachers, staff and community members who helped this meet be a success!

It class picture time again!
Primary-Wednesday, February 5th
Elementary-Thursday, February 6th.
Notes/envelopes will go out the first of next week.

ECISD Community Connections

East Chambers Elementary is excited to host our annual Thanksgiving Feast again this year. Our cafeteria will be serving a traditional Thanksgiving dinner for you to enjoy with your child. Tickets will be sold from now until November 7th. Tickets are $7 each. You can send money with students and their teachers will turn it into the office, or you can stop by the office and pay for your ticket in advance. Paid tickets will be distributed to students to take home November 13th.
All visitors need to check in at the front office, but if you buy a ticket and send your name to your child’s teacher, you may be able to go through the “Fast Pass Lane*”.
*If you have previously been on our campus, and we are able to verify your name in our system, we will have your pre-printed visitor tag ready at the “Fast Pass Lane” table. On the day of the feast please bring your lunch ticket to the “Fast Pass Lane” table to collect your visitor tag and proceed to the cafeteria.
*If this is your first time being on our campus, you need to stop by the office first to sign in. Please have your ID ready to be scanned into our system. Once you receive your printed visitor tag you may proceed to the cafeteria for the Thanksgiving Feast.
Feast schedule as follows:
Tuesday, November 14th:
3rd Grade: 11:00-11:45 am
5th Grade: 12:00-12:45 pm
Wednesday, November 15th:
4th grade: 11:30-12:15

October Buccaneer Gazette

Congratulations to our grant winners! The East Chambers Education Foundation delivered grants today to our campus! Congratulations to our grant writers! Winter Safari Adventure at the Zoo and Will You Play With Me? Students will attend a zoo experience trip and we will receive additional communication equipment for our campus. Congratulations Buccaneers and thank you again to our East Chambers Education Foundation!

Pink Out Spirit Sales this Friday before school in the cafeteria.


Fall Fest will be on October 31st. We are now taking candy donations. Please see flyer.